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Support Rural Healthcare

Get Involved Today

Your support enables us to advance our mission of providing exceptional healthcare services to the Whidbey Island community.

Your contribution makes a significant impact on our ability to provide exceptional healthcare services to the Whidbey Island community. Whether you're considering a one-time donation, setting up a recurring gift, or exploring other giving options, we're here to guide you through the various ways you can support our mission. Your generosity helps us continue to improve the health and well-being of our community members.

At the WhidbeyHealth Foundation, we believe in the power of collective generosity to address healthcare challenges and transform lives.

Ways to Give

1. Make a

Every gift, no matter the size, helps us advance our mission of providing high-quality healthcare services.

You can make a secure online donation through our website. Alternatively, you can mail your contribution to our office. Your donation is tax-deductible, and you'll receive a receipt for your records.

3. Tribute &
    Memorial Gifts

Honor a loved one's memory or celebrate a special occasion by making a tribute or memorial gift.

Your thoughtful gesture not only commemorates someone special but also contributes to improving healthcare services for our community.


5. Stocks & Securities

Donating appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds is a tax-efficient way to support the Foundation.

By transferring securities directly to us, you may receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the gift and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation.

7. Volunteer Your Time

If you're looking for ways to give back beyond financial contributions, consider volunteering your time and skills. We welcome volunteers in various capacities, including assisting with events, administrative tasks, and patient support services. Your dedication and support are invaluable to us.

2. Become a
    Monthly Donor

Join our Monthly Giving Program to provide sustained support for our ongoing initiatives.

By making a recurring monthly donation, you'll help ensure consistent funding for essential programs and services that benefit our community. It's a convenient and impactful way to make a difference all year round.

4. Planned Giving &
    Legacy Gifts

Consider leaving a lasting legacy by including the Foundation in your estate planning.

Planned gifts, such as bequests, charitable annuities, and trusts, provide essential support for future generations.

We can work with you and your financial advisor to explore planned giving options that align with your philanthropic goals. Your bequest or planned gift can support our efforts to improve healthcare services for future generations.

6. Workplace Giving &
    Matching Gifts

Many employers offer workplace giving programs or matching gift opportunities to support charitable organizations.

Check with your employer to see if they have a matching gift program or if you can make donations through payroll deductions. Your gift may be eligible for a match, doubling or even tripling its impact.

Types of Gifts We Accept


Cash, checks or other negotiable instruments, distributions as beneficiary of life insurance and retirement accounts.


Cash equivalents or liquid assets: 

Publicly traded stocks and bonds and non-public securities


Non-cash gifts: 

Real estate, artwork or other personal property, and medical-related equipment. Non-cash gifts are accepted at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

The WhidbeyHealth Foundation encourages outright gifts of cash, cash equivalents and non-cash contributions.


These gifts are accepted to facilitate the Foundation in achieving short-term and long-term objectives consistent with its philanthropic mission.

Giving Alternatives

  • Unrestricted gifts

  • Gifts designed for specific purpose or WH department use

  • Memorial or honorary gifts

  • Pledges for specified amount over consecutive number of months or years

  • Gifts designated to the WHF Endowment

  • Named endowments

  • Beneficiary of insurance policies or retirement accounts

  • Testamentary bequests

  • Charitable gift annuities

  • Trust recipient of bank/investment company managed funds

Gifts We Typically Do Not Accept

  • Animals

  • Conservation Easements

  • Oil, gas and/or mineral interests

  • Vehicles

  • Intellectual Properties

Let's Make A Change

Your support helps us continue providing sustainable healthcare solutions for our community.
Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Here are some ways you can donate:


In Person

101 N Main St, Coupeville,

WA 98239


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

To make an offline donation,

please call us at 360.678.7656, Ext.6501

or email us at

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